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7 Things That Will 10X Your Chances of Hitting Your Diet and Fitness Goals
95% Will Fail — Here’s How to Join the 5% That Dont
Studies show that a whopping 95% of people fail their diets (or “diets fail people”) (Source). Exercise plans don’t fare much better with about 90% of people failing to maintain a fitness regimen beyond 3 months.
I’m about to enter into a serious body recomposition phase to end the summer and I’m going to be hitting my diet hard.
So, I felt it was a great time to share some tips that I’ve found help me see workouts and diets through from beginning to end.
Note: Yo-yo dieting is not ideal. The best diet or fitness program is the one that you can stick to essentially for life and not just for a short burst of time. I can appreciate that this article may feel akin to an aticle teaching you how to avoid a hangover (when the real best answer is simply don’t drink). With that being said, we all do these from time to time and I see no harm in them, so let’s continue…
#1 Measure + Take Before Pictures
As Peter Drucker says (and I quote ad nauseum) “What gets measured gets managed.”
I find the value in this to be several fold.
First, I find it harder to quit when I’ve established a baseline and done the work upfront. Quitting feels like I’m killing a great start.