Bro that’s not what this is. Do you intentionally pay more on your taxes than you’re supposed to? No one in the history of taxes has intentionally paid the government more than they have to. “Loophole,” is totally just semantics, it doesn’t mean it’s nefarious, these are plain as day tax deductions that were woven in to our system to the benefit of those willing to put in the work to find them. Technically, legally you’re supposed to have found them for an accurate return. Missing a “loophole,” literally means you did your return wrong. I’m replying to this because I am a person of extremely high ethics and I feel like you’re take on this is very misguided, though I am guessing we do agree I much else. I think you just haven’t really deeply considered the ethics of living within the tax code and are kindof giving a knee jerk reaction. I think the code needs corrected, big time, but not for people in our tax bracket who actually have utility remaining for keeping their own money.