“Follow the Money” Is the Lamest Justification of Vaccine Hesitancy — Tragedy of People Finally “Following the Money,” When It Actually Isn’t the Case This Time
“Follow the money,” is a good approach about 97–99 percent of the time.
Those numbers are fresh in my mind because those are the numbers anti-vaxxers (sorry, Medical Freedom Warriors) keep commenting on every Twitter post discrediting the actual number of deaths and diminishing it to something easier to swallow. Welcome to planet, Cognitive Dissonance, population 7 billion+.
Tragically, it’s being weaponized to discredit vaccinations. An example of that small 1–3 percentage of exceptions to the otherwise brilliant concept.
Infographic time…
Bottom line, always follow the money, but appreciate situations that are exceptions.
Wrap your mind around the fact that Big Pharma can suck (they do) and still actually get paid for something without it being a huge conspiracy.
May the odds be ever at your favor…