I Had to Buy a New MacBook in a Pinch and I Realized This One Tool Was All I Needed

Nate McCallister
2 min readSep 8, 2024

I was in New York for Affiliate Summit last week and I ran into a big problem.

My MacBook Pro screen stopped responding. It was completely bricked.

Usually, my phone or iPad are enough to get by, but this week it wasn’t gonna cut it. We had a huge webinar and high ticket offer we were selling and I had some really important admin tasks I needed to do.

So, I walked to the nearest Best Buy and put a new MacBook Air on the company card.

As it booted it up, I was overcome with the sense of minimalism. No files, no apps beyond the defaults. Nothing but a beautiful default background .

As much as I love a handful of apps (mainly Sketchwow, TextSniper and Snagit) there was only one tool that I realized I couldn’t live without.


I immediately realized how much of my business is web based.

It’s not 2004 when we had to have CPU clogging downloaded programs running in the background.

LastPass brings my logins and passwords to all of my devices with one master password.

And this isn’t just a big sales pitch for LassPass, just for the concept really.

I’m certain other comparable tools like 1Password accomplish the same things.

I’m not even sharing an affiliate link for it (just type it into google and you’ll probabably find a discount that my affiliate link doesn’t contain).

The end lol



Nate McCallister

I over analyze topics in the internet business and self development space. I share my findings here so you can focus on growth. 👍