The Amazon Influencer Program Is the Most Underrated Passive Income Opportunity of the Year

Nate McCallister
5 min readNov 30, 2023

Zero Cost, Huge Monthly Recurring Potential

I’m dedicating the next 30 days to recording 100 product review videos for my Amazon influencer storefront.

If you want to grow a new passive income stream, I think you should do the same.

Let’s talk about the program.

What Is the Amazon Influencer Program?

The program was released last year to a decent amount of early excitement, but it didn’t seem to last.

It’s essentially a variation of the existing Amazon associate program.

Amazon’s page promoting the program is only marginally interesting. The advertise it as a hub that you can send your own traffic to to promote the things you like on Amazon.

That, is lame.

No one, even large influencers, really care about that. They can make their own websites or already have one.



Nate McCallister

I over analyze topics in the internet business and self development space. I share my findings here so you can focus on growth. 👍