These 27 Books Can Be Your DIY MBA!

A full curriculum for hardcore business self-education...

Nate McCallister
9 min readNov 12, 2023


You can see all books with links here.

No one is going to buy into your business because of your academic credentials, so why waste four to eight years of your life and possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars chasing a line on a resume no one will ever read?

If you’re 10,000% committed to entrepreneurship, skip college.

Yes, I said it.

You can always go back later. I promise, as long as they are making money, there will be colleges until the day you die (they’d let you attend post-mortem if possible too).

If you’ve already graduated from college, don’t sweat it; I did too. The curriculum I’m about to show you will teach you the things that college didn’t, or at least, the things that you’ll actually be ready and able to apply in the near future.

These books will make you a money-making machine. That is of course, if you apply the principles with intensity and consistency.

About the Entrepreneur’s Self-Education Curriculum

I had a person in mind while I was writing this article. The person was the 18-year-old son of my mom’s best friend.



Nate McCallister

I over analyze topics in the internet business and self development space. I share my findings here so you can focus on growth. 👍