You’re Gonna Hate Me, But It’s Time to Track Calories if You Want to Actually Hit Your Fitness Goals

Nate McCallister
6 min readFeb 26, 2024

All diet plans have a sales pitch. 99% of the time, someone is getting paid (directly or indirectly) when you adopt their recommended diet plan.

So, as with all for profit business models, sales and marketing come into play.

One of the best sales points (one that has always gotten my attention) is “no more counting calories!”

This is absolutely the ideal diet. Counting calories is objectively not enjoyable.

But is counting calories something we should really avoid doing?

In the long run, sure, but in the short term, it’s a hack towards a better, healthier version of yourself.

So, I want you to consider dedicating at least 30 days to meticulously tracking their food intake with an app like MyFitnessPal.

Let me explain why.

This Is the Perfect Plan (Regardless of Your Diet)

Whether you’re eating paleo, vegan, keto or whatever the newest craze is, you can benefit from tracking your calories for at least 30 days.

Every diet, regardless of what we’re led to believe, comes down to calories in and calories out.



Nate McCallister

I over analyze topics in the internet business and self development space. I share my findings here so you can focus on growth. 👍